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Writer's pictureTracey Lee Davis

4 Steps to Discovering Your Target Audience

Before you create any content to promote your business, you need to determine who your ideal client is and where to find them. Yes, you can start creating content immediately – you can even get some livestream videos under your belt quickly – but if you don’t take these steps to determine who is the perfect person to hear your message, you’ll be wasting precious time.

Your ideal audience is filled with people who NEED your message; people who are searching for a solution to their problems and will see you as their fearless leader who can help them. If you just start posting your message on social media, it’s a hit or miss strategy – you might reach a few people in your target audience but generally speaking, you’ll miss your mark without doing some research first.

1. Picture your ideal client/customer in your head. You know your business better than anyone so you alone determine WHO you want to work with. As you can see, this is extremely broad so this is the time to narrow down your ideal client demographics. Just as you narrowed down your business focus, so you narrow down your client base.

2. Create a client avatar and take notes about his/her demographics. Don’t risk forgetting about important client information. Write down your ideal client’s demographics – from their name to their education level to where they live – and give this avatar a name. Very often it’s easier to create social media posts, emails, or livestream videos when you picture the exact person you’re speaking to. Giving this avatar a name makes the character come to life so you can focus on helping that person (and every other person with those demographics).

3. Search for this ideal audience online and offline. Finding your audience can be a little trickier than confirming their demographics. Start off looking on social media by searching certain keywords that describe your ideal audience. This may lead you to individuals or you may find groups related to those keywords. Investigate each lead carefully and send friend requests or ask to join groups if they seem relevant.

One important note: spamming groups or new friends will never grow your business, so always interact first and start growing a relationship before sending them links to your website or latest offer.

Never forget or give up on offline marketing. Search your local area for business networking groups (like Women's Networking Alliance), Chamber of Commerce events, community events, or local sponsorship opportunities. Getting your name recognized as part of the community is just as important as having an online presence. You just never know who will need your services or when so don’t write off local networking opportunities.

4. Ask questions. Always ask questions and learn as much as you can about your market. Markets will always change and your ideal client may develop a new problem you can help solve. Pay attention to what is said online but don’t shy away from asking direct questions. Use your email list and social media platforms to set up polls and ask for responses. The answers you receive may be just the inspiration you needed to create a new course or program.

Now Take Action to Give Your Audience the Content They Need

Now that you’ve got your target market settled, it’s time to plan some content for social media and email marketing to capture their attention. If that idea makes you freeze in place, I can help you. After all, you want to attract an audience, not turn them away because you don’t know what you’re doing, right? I offer complimentary consultations we were can discuss your needs to see if I am the right fit to help you. Book your appointment here!


Tracey Lee Davis, founder of ZingPop Social Media, turns busy small business owners into online marketing rockstars! A social media expert and Certified Solution Provider for Constant Contact, she coaches entrepreneurs in how to grow their business using social media and provides total management for their email marketing campaigns. Tracey Lee is also a featured speaker for associations and business groups. She is Alignable's 2021 Local Business Person of the Year for San Jose, a Certified Content Marketing Strategist, and the Co-Owner and Vice President of the Women’s Networking Alliance. She also really, really loves cheese.


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