You are busy running your business. This means you don’t have the time, or maybe the knowledge or desire, to handle your own online marketing needs. But in today's world, email and social media marketing are crucial.
You need to keep your business relevant and top-of-mind with your ideal clientele. If you are ready to join the social conversation, contact ZingPop Social Media. I offer social media coaching and email marketing management services for busy small business owners!

Product & Services
Coaching for social media and email marketing and total email marketing management.
Increase your knowledge of email, social media,
and other forms of digital marketing
Group social media and email marketing coaching for busy small business owners
Attend an in-person or online live event to learn more about social media and email marketing.
Rated 5 Stars on Google
Excellence You Can Trust!
At ZingPop Social Media, I am proud to offer social media coaching and email marketing services tailored specifically for busy small business owners.
My commitment to excellence and client satisfaction has earned ZingPop Social Media a stellar 5-star rating on Google Business!